Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Hi all!

Sorry for taking so long to update everything, but things have been super busy. We had Jake's baptism a couple of weekends ago, so my parents were in town. They headed home on Tuesday, Jake had physical therapy on Wednesday, and then we left to visit Kevin's family in Kentucky on Thursday....we are exhausted!

Things are starting to settle down a little bit (at least until Kevin and I head to Kauai next month!) and we are getting back into our routine. The Jakinator is almost four months old and time seems to be flying by so fast. Kevin has received his orders and we will be staying in San Diego for another two years (yay!) and Kevin is also now a Lieutenant Commander Select...we are very proud of him around here!

Jake has physical therapy tomorrow (which will hopefully be his last one, as the therapist nor I think he really needs to be there) at 8:45 am. I hope I can get there on time. I always wondered why people with kids are always late...well, now I know. We need to like two weeks notice to be anywhere on time, and even then, we somehow manage to run a little late (and we are two people who are generally early). I will update tomorrow if there is any new news on that.

In Mid-August, he goes back to the orthopedic surgeon and the pediatrician, so we are hoping that he gets the harness off at that point...he is ready to be on the move!

I am going to do my best to do better with updating the blog more often, especially if there is anything new going on. We hope you are all enjoying your summer and keeping as cool as possible!

And now....Pictures!